Facility Planners, Superintendent's
Susan Quinn • July 4, 2010
I wanted to update you on the
latest events in District 15, part of my ongoing
attempts at open communication with my constituents.
Facility Planners
On June
30th the board received a detailed
outline and cost estimates from the Facility
Planners regarding the Facility Planning Process.
While the process seemed sound, and I am a proponent
of the kind of comprehensive planning project the
Facility Planning Process represents, unfortunately
the price tag on this service was simply too high
($375k). The board voted unanimously to not approve
the contract. The board may reconsider undertaking
this Facility Planning Process at some later date,
or the Facility Planners may come back with a
reduced cost. State law prevents us from bidding out
these kinds of architectural services, another
instance where state law doesn’t help school
districts get the best value for their money.
Superintendent’s Departure
Many of
you have probably read about Superintendent Lukich’s
departure from the district, effective June 30th.
See the Daily Herald article on this subject
A superintendent resigns in secrecy.
The final agreement reached with Dr. Lukich is
subject to FOIA and I am sure that the Daily Herald
will submit a FOIA request and report on the
details, once they are available.
I have been a champion for open
governance and transparency during my 3+ years as a
school board member, both in my official capacity as
a board member, and through my ongoing communication
with my constituents via this newsletter. In the
last three years, I have: 1) championed an open
forum Communication Committee, 2) initiated and
fought for the disclosure of the district’s finances
through the Financial Report Card, 3) argued to put
more and complete information about board operations
on the district’s website, 4) spoken openly about
issues facing the district, including most recently
the District 15 Bond Issue, 5) pushed to change the
format of the Citizens Address the Board, to that
there can be dialogue with the BOE, 6) forced many
issues to be brought to the public session that
otherwise would not have. Many of these issues were
voted down by a majority of the board.
A Daily
Herald editorial took issue with not disclosing the
reasons for Dr. Lukich’s departure, taking me to
task in particular for my statement below, that in
personnel issues, sometimes the public has to trust
their elected officials. They countered that public
officials need to trust the public (by releasing
additional information in this case). I understand
their frustration, and I stand on my record as a
transparent, publicly accountable, and outspoken BOE
member. I do
trust the public, which is why I so often, so
willingly, and so loudly speak out on issues facing
our district whenever I can.
One of the wonderful things about
our country is that you always have recourse at the
ballot box. On this Fourth of July, I give thanks
for that freedom, along with the Freedom of Speech
that allows vigorous political discourse.
As always, feel free to send me
your questions, and to forward this email to
whomever you think would be interested. I will
answer any questions I am able.
Regards, Sue Quinn District 15 Board of Education